2nd Immunity Challenge: Teams!

Each team needs to select their team name based on the elements they selected from the periodic table. Consensus is reached when the whole team agrees on a name and each member has sent the chosen team name to @steamulater via DM on instagram. The last team member to DM determines the placement order of the teams. 1st team to reach consensus wins immunity and reward, last team is on the chopping block and vulnerable for elimination.



  • Listen to voice note below

  • Download the app called “swell” here: https://www.swellcast.com/steamulater

  • Create your account and follow @steamulater

  • Hit the reply button on this voice note here: challenge 1 and record a single 2-5min introduction of yourself

  • Tell who you are, where you’re from and why the audience should root for you to win the grand prize of USD$1500

  • Share your swell because the winner of the this challenge is the person with the most likes on their one voice note and they will be safe/immune from the vote offs!

  • Deadline for upload is Wednesday October 11th 2pm PST | 4pm CST | 5pm EST | 9PM GMT | 11PM CAT



Rule 1. 20 Contestants will vote each other off each episode from October 6th to November 20th MWF only (Time TBD)

Rule 2. STEM+Arts=STEAM Challenges will be posed every episode and winner gains immunity from the vote off

Rule 3. Once down to Final 2 the contestants voted off prior can come back and vote for the final winner

Rule 4. Audience decides who wins reward challenges each episode and they will weigh in on the final win so please play nice. :)

Rule 5: The rules above are the overarching rules however each episode will have it’s own set of rules in accordance to the challenges for that episode.